After purchasing my Orion Skyview Deluxe I thought I would share my thoughts on it.
Imaging can take many hours without touching anything. You just sit there. Sometimes I read, sometimes I watch TV, sometimes I browse the internet. Why not look around at the sky? So I found an Orion Skyview Deluxe on the bay that I liked, first because it was a refractor and I really like my refractors, second because it was kind of a classic from the 1980s or 1990s, and thrid because it was Orion and I really like my Orion stuff. I managed to get it for what I though was a reasonable price, just under what a new Orion Astroview 90mm would have cost and this one had a better mount and polar scope to boot. When it arrived there was a problem, they had not packed it well and the top plate where the scope mounts was broken:
So I emailed Orion, I could hear the laughter from here, no, there is no replacement part for an Orion Skyview Deluxe. I tried Astromart, dead silence. I tried a local welding shop, they laughed saying it was cheap pot metal and there was no way to repair it. They did however suggest a machine shop. After talking to Pat at ELM Machine in Oakhurst it seemed he was confident he could make a new one better than the old, and here is what he came up with:
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telescopio orion – skyview de luxe ecuatorial refractor diámetro 90mm fl 1000mm. mis estimados camaradas quiero vender mi equipo. pueden ayudarme para seber el costo del equipo gracias
No hablo español así que por favor perdone esta traducción. Yo estaba feliz de pagar $ 200 cuando compré la mía. Dado que estos son telescopios más antiguos, el valor es sólo lo que alguien está dispuesto a pagar. Las versiones más recientes van a alrededor de $ 350 nuevos y la versión anterior es una mejor configuración en mi opinión. ¡Buena suerte!